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The 8th Annual Teal Cup Golf Tournament was held at Western Turnpike Golf Course on July 30th. The Teal Cup is a yearly fundraiser that benefits the Ovarian Cancer Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to changing the future of ovarian cancer with research leading to earlier detection and more effective treatments. Orange Motors of Albany, NY was the proud sponsor of the Hole in One this year.
Justin Genevick was invited to play in the tournament by a Teal Cup veteran, and ended up winning a 2-Year Lease on a Brand New Ford Escape. “I’ve been golfing for over 20 years, I’ve been doing it so long, ever since I was little. I said yes to play because I was invited and I knew quite a few people participating, and I can’t say no to a round of golf. It was a great time, my old boss ended up being in my foursome.”
When asked how difficult he thought the hole in one was, Justin explained, “When we approached the hole in one, we saw there was a car to win. My old boss and I both said ‘this is a pretty nice shot for a hole in one’, and that was it. Having a car up for grabs on a hole used to add a lot of pressure to my stroke. You get nervous and just start sweating, but it doesn’t weigh me down anymore. I didn’t really think about it this time.”
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Justin remembers the shot perfectly, and it also happened to be his first hole in one since he started playing golf. “It was a beautiful sunny day with a little breeze. I took my shot and then when the ball disappeared, I looked around at the people near me to see their reactions. When I saw them all wide-eyed and slack-jawed I knew I wasn’t crazy. The witness told me my ball had hit the flag and fallen right in. If it hadn’t hit that flag it would have gone just past the hole, so I’m glad it did.”
Justin was very excited to win the Ford Escape from Orange Motors, but ultimately was thinking how much more helpful a cash payout would be. “It was a great car, don’t get me wrong and I was excited when I won, but then I started thinking of the houses we were looking at purchasing and how much this could help as a down payment or just extra security when we take the next step. House hunting is a slow, painful process, but this win really boosts our outlook knowing we had something substantial to use when we find and buy our home. The Orange Motors team was kind enough to allow me to take the cash instead, even though I knew they certainly didn’t have to do that.”
Good luck house-hunting Justin, it seems like you have plenty of it! Congratulations to Justin and Orange Motors on their win… we’re glad we could be a part of it!
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